DOWNLOAD The Blue Zones Second Edition 9 Lessons For Living Longer From The People Who Ve Lived The Longest [[FREE] [READ] [DOWNLOAD]]
the blue zones second edition 9 lessons for living longer from the people who ve lived the longest
Read about one of the Blue Zones in this October 2012 article from The New York Times, 'The Island Where People Forget to Die': Zones adds a segment on Ikaria[Buettner] would like to draw a big blue circle around the entire USA. USA TODAY Read more DAN BUETTNER is an internationally recognized researcher, explorer, and author. His company, Blue Zones, specializes in educating people about health and well-being, based on the latest in global science, social science, and psyschological research through massive community public health initiatives. In addition to his notable presentations at the TED conference and two featured appearances on Oprah, he has been a guest on Fox and Friends, CNN and Dr.Oz. Visit Dan Buettner's website at The author lives in Minneapolis, MN. Read more See all Editorial Reviews
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